McDonalds & Krispy Kreme are on a Fatass Collision Course

Photo: Taste of Home

McDonald’s & Krispy Kreme are on a fatass collision course.

Huge news dropped in the caloric world on Tuesday, with the two heavyweight fast food chains announcing that McDonald’s will sell Krispy Kremes in all stores by the end of 2026.

Americans everywhere jumped for joy, did exuberant cartwheels, and ran 5k’s in celebration. This is something we’ve all wanted, and we’re finally getting it baby.

But why stop here? Why can’t our lust for fast food combinations Joey Chestnut would find disgusting stop with McKreme’s?

I am here today to call on Wendy’s to partner with Panda Express. Why won’t Burger King make a combo meal with Olive Garden? Do we dare call ourselves a proper country if we don’t have access to an Arby’s/Sonic roast beef chocolate shake?

We want it all, we want it now, and we won’t rest until we get what we want…actually we’ll all probably need a quick power nap, juuuuust a quick recharge after our Big Mac with Krispy Kreme Buns.